Charlie Sheen "Maverick" is a teenager living with a bleak family in Hill Valley, California. His father, "Goose" McFly, is constantly bullied by his supervisor, Biff “Iceman” Tannen, and his unhappy mother, Lorraine Baines McFly, could be considered a mil f if you were drunk. "Maverick" and his band audition to perform at the high school dance, but are rejected. "Maverick's" girlfriend, Jennifer Parker, encourages him to pursue the dream of being a rock musician. At dinner that night, Lorraine recounts how she and "Goose" first fell in love when her father hit him with his car.
On the morning of October 25, 1985,"Maverick"; meets his friend, scientist Dr. Emmett "Doc" Brown, at Twin Pines Mall at 1:15 am at Doc's request. Doc reveals a F-14A Tomcat aboard USS Enterprise which he has modified into a time machine; the vehicle's time displacement is powered by plutonium which generates 1.21 gigawatts of power into a device he calls the "flux capacitor". Doc also explains that the car travels to a programmed date upon reaching 88 miles per hour. However, before Doc can make his first trip, the Libyan terrorists from whom he stole the plutonium show up and interceptMiG-28s over the Indian Ocean. "Maverick" attempts to escape in the DeLorean, but, in the process, reaches the speed of 88 miles per hour and is transported back to November 5, 1955, a date Doc programmed into the DeLorean as an example destination. "Maverick" finds himself without the plutonium needed for the trip back, and the car shuts down, leaving him stuck in 1955.
While exploring the Hill Valley of 1955, “Maverick” accidentally meets his father, “Goose”, as a teenager who is being bullied by Biff “Iceman”. As “Goose” is about to be hit by Lorraine's father's car, “Maverick” pushes him out of the way and takes the impact. As a result, a teenage Lorraine becomes infatuated with “Maverick” instead of “Goose”. “Maverick” is disturbed by her flirtations and leaves to find the younger Doc of 1955. “Maverick” convinces Doc that he is from the future and asks for help returning to 1985. Doc explains that the only power source capable of generating the required 1.21 gigawatts is a lightning bolt. “Maverick” then shows Doc the "Save The Clock Tower" flyer he had received the previous day, indicating that lightning will strike the courthouse clock tower the following Saturday at 10:04 pm. Doc makes plans to harness the lightning strike to power the DeLorean's flux capacitor. However, the two discover a complication when observing a fading photograph of “Maverick” with his siblings: “Maverick” has prevented his parents from meeting and has jeopardized his siblings' and his own existence.
In the following week, “Maverick” attempts to set “Goose” up with Lorraine, but she only shows romantic interests in “Maverick” . In order to make his parents fall in love, “Maverick” plans to have “Goose” "rescue" Lorraine from “Maverick” 's overt sexual advances on the night of the school's Enchantment Under the Sea dance. However, the plan goes awry when a drunk Biff “Iceman” unexpectedly shows up, pulls “Maverick” from the car, and forces himself on Lorraine. “Goose” arrives as planned to rescue her from “Maverick” , but finds Biff “Iceman” instead. Biff “Iceman” subjugates “Goose”, but “Goose” stands up to him for the first time and knocks him out with a punch to the face. A smitten Lorraine follows “Goose” to the dance floor where they kiss for the first time, assuring “Maverick” 's existence.
“Maverick” arrives at the scene of the anticipated clock tower lightning strike where Doc is making the final preparations. “Maverick” attempts to warn Doc of his murder in 1985 in a letter, but Doc indignantly tears up the letter without reading it, for fear he will alter the future. Iceman, Hollywood, and Maverick are ordered to immediately report to Enterprise to deal with a "crisis situation", providing air support for the rescue of a stricken communications ship that has drifted into hostile waters. Maverick and Merlin are assigned to one of two F-14s as back-up for those flown by Iceman and Hollywood, despite Iceman's reservations over Maverick's state of mind. The subsequent hostile engagement with six MiGs sees Hollywood shot down; Maverick is sortied alone due to catapult failure and nearly retreats after encountering circumstances similar to those that caused Goose's death. Upon finally rejoining Iceman they shoot down four MiGs and force the others to flee, and return triumphantly to Enterprise. The storm disconnects Doc's wiring setup that will capture the lightning, but the two repair the connections just in time for the lightning strike to send “Maverick” and the DeLorean back to 1985. Although “Maverick” arrives too late to prevent Doc from being shot, Doc reveals he had taped the letter back together and was wearing a bulletproof vest.
Doc drops “Maverick” off at home and leaves in the time machine for the future. “Maverick” awakens the next morning to find his home and family significantly improved and happier. Lorraine is physically fit, “Goose” has become a self-confident and successful science fiction author, “Maverick” 's brother Dave is now a businessman, and his sister Linda no longer has trouble finding boyfriends. Most notably, “Goose” and Lorraine now have the close relationship they never had, while Biff “Iceman” has become an auto detailer/washer and is now very deferential towards “Goose”. Just as “Maverick” reunites with Jennifer, Doc arrives, insisting that they accompany him to the future to sort out a problem with their children. With Doc at the wheel, “Maverick” and Jennifer enter the upgraded DeLorean, now a flying hovercar powered by nuclear fusion, and they go back to the future.
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ReplyDeleteCharlie Sheen is everywhere nowadays :D
ReplyDeleteLove the title info on your blog haha, I honestly can't wait for Charlie Sheen to get back to normal